By Alexandra Shtromberg

Greetings from rainy, but still amazing Saint Petersburg!

ELSA Helsinki Director for graphic design (that`s me) will do her best to explain the reasons why you should definitely visit Saint Petersburg. And do it as soon as possible – meaning that ELSA Study Visit is the best way to do this!

I am there as a part-time tourist and a full-time Legal trainee at Saint Petersburg office of Borenius. This probably means that I am quite bad at providing you with tourist-like information (and hopefully a bit better with giving you advice on Russian corporate law!). However, our office is located just in the city centre, and during lunch break and after work I become a tourist!

Why Saint Petersburg?


In some way Helsinki really resembles Saint Petersburg. So, you will definitely feel like home there very soon. During my first days there, I had the time to check locations of all main Faculties of Law there and I can definitely listen to law studies-related stories of my colleagues endlessly and compare what is different and what is similar with my study days in Helsinki. Student life, lectures and seminars are definitely something I really miss there.

…and one more similarity – that are energetic, inspired and inspiring ELSA people.

Maria Riivari showed me the city and shared her plans and the history of ELSA Saint Petersburg. We have many aspirations in common. Travelling when you are a part of ELSA is much more fun!


The city centre is small and well-known by all of you from brochures and Instagram but browsing a bit more will pay off. Honestly, I have not had enough time to explore them – but by following social media pages dedicated toSaint Petersburg you will definitely feel excited to plan your trip learning something unobvious and new and avoiding crowds of touristw.

Russian Law.

It is always such a great chance to learn more about neighbor jurisdictions and do it by meeting people! It is often not that easy to get this insight when taking a ferry trip during your weekend. Thanks to the help of ELSA Saint Petersburg, you will have a chance to learn a bit more about law in Russia. That is not the simplest thing in the world (we haven quite many legislative changes that we need to track 24/7), but something that is definitely interesting to follow!

This list is open-ended, that is why it needs some more points which you will bring by your own personal experience! Probably, my experience will help a bit – follow my thoughts and photos in Instagram and Twitter! And one more reason to stay updated: registration for Study Visit St. Petersburg opens soon!


All photos of Saint Petersburg have been taken by the author of this post, rights to the portrait photo have been properly transferred 🙂

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