Professional Development
Improve your comprehension of the legal professional field, refine your job-seeking skills and apply for international traineeships.
Professional Development (PD) is one of ELSA’s key areas which focuses on promoting and improving law students and young lawyers’ professional development. The primary responsibility of the area is to organize ELSA’s international traineeships programme, ELSA Traineeships, which offers law students and young lawyers traineeship places all over the world. Moreover, the area organizes different job-seeking skills workshops and excursions through which you can get better acquainted with career opportunities for law students.
Lawyers at Work Events
Lawyers at Work (L @ W) events by ELSA are visits to businesses and other institutions, and their purpose is to familiarise students with potential future employers. In addition to the company’s operations, the visits often include information about traineeships. Visits often conclude on more informal part with the opportunity to discuss with company employees and ask questions.
Previously L@W events included e.g. various courts (such as the Supreme Court of Finland), ministries, government agencies, law firms, and other companies.
Do you have an idea for a great L@W event? You can send it to our PD team! Find the contact details at the bottom of this page.
ELSA Traineeships
ELSA Traineeships is an international traineeship programme that offers law students and recently graduated lawyers an opportunity to do an internship abroad. The purpose of the traineeships is to support judicial training and understanding.
During the traineeship the local ELSA group helps the trainee with all practical matters and introduces them to the local culture. This means that the trainee won’t need to worry alone about finding an apartment, applying for the possible visa or other practical issues. Some ELSA Traineeships are also offered fully digitally which entails the traineeship being conducted remotely and possibly without any need to travel to the traineeship’s destination.
If you have any questions about our Professional Development, please contact the national or local PD representatives.
ELSA Finland:
ELSA Helsinki:
Katarina Stieren
Vice President for Professional Development
ELSA Joensuu:
ELSA Rovaniemi:
Mika Juntunen
Vice President for Professional Development
ELSA Turku: