ELSA Legal Research
An opportunity for law students to actively engage in a realistic research experience
ELSA organises Legal Research in the form of Legal Research Groups (LRG) – groups of law students and young lawyers to be set up annually in the ELSA network to produce comparative legal research in English on a topical and internationally significant issue. The first Legal Research Group in ELSA was established in 1997 on international criminal law.
International Legal Research Group is made up of National Research Groups where law students and young lawyers study a particular field of law from perspective of their national legal system. Each National Research Group produces a report of about 30 pages and answers elaborate research questions of what national legislative measures have been taken in that area and how international obligations have been implemented at a national level. National research reports are compiled and results are published in a finalized comparative report.
LRG offers a unique opportunity to practice legal and academic writing skills. Each participant gets their name in an international publication that will be accessible to everyone. The results of a highly prestigious research may also enable wider influence in national and international legal developments.
Previous publications have been prepared in collaboration with International Criminal Court, International Labour Organization and the Council of Europe. Read previous publications
Legal Research Group: organization and positions
National Research Group is made up of a National Coordinator, National Researchers, Technical Editors, Linguistic Editors and Academic Supervisors. Researchers are law students and graduates who are responsible for writing the research report with support of Technical and Linguistic Editors. Participants must be current or future lawyers specialized or highly interested in the subject matter and committed throughout the project. The research work is carried out with the help and guidance of the best experts in that field of law. National Coordinator forms the National Research Group, maintains continuous communication with the group members and the International Coordination Team, and ensures high quality of the report and compliance with given timeline.n oikeudenalan parhaat asiantuntijat. Kansallinen tutkimuskoordinaattori kokoaa kansallisen tutkimusryhmän, huolehtii yhteydenpidosta ryhmän jäsenten ja kansainvälisen tiimin välillä, sekä varmistaa kansallisen raportin laadun ja valmistumisen aikataulun mukaisesti.
International Coordination Team led by a Head of Team is responsible for the overall management of the Legal Research Group. International Human Resources Coordinator takes care of the internal affairs of the Legal Research Group and maintains continuous communication with all stakeholders. International Academic Coordinator is responsible for developing Academic Framework and Visual Guidelines together with International Academic Supervisors and partners. International Coordination Team is responsible for compiling and finalizing the national research reports and the final publication.
International Legal Research Group on Human Rights in the Age of Advanced Digital Technologies
The International Legal Research Group on Internet Censorship will focus on the balance between freedom of expression online and the protection of privacy, IP-rights, legitimacy of information etc. through takedown procedures. The researchers will look into as well private as public regulation and also touch upon the legal consequences of the LegalTech involved in takedown procedures.
Becoming a researcher of the LRG is an excellent opportunity for students interested in enhancing their legal research skills and seeing their name on print. Specifically partaking in the LRG gives you the opportunity to:
- Actively acquire legal knowledge
- Get acquainted with and apply legal English terminology
- Enhance your employability by actively applying your legal skills
- Cooperate with experts with the field of Nordic (Family) Law
- Develop skills within research, legal writing and teamwork
- See your name featured in a valid publication gaining recognition in aprofessional environment
Nordic Legal Research Group
ELSA Denmark, ELSA Finland, ELSA Norway and ELSA Sweden are initiating the first joint Legal Research Group of the Nordic ELSA countries (Nordic LRG). Nordic LRG will focus on contemporary topic of Nordic Law. Nordic LRG offers all Nordic ELSA members a unique opportunity to practice legal and academic writing and research skills and to strengthen Nordic cooperation. Nordic Coordination Team will start the preparatory work of the research project in spring 2019, and concludes its work in a symposium and publication of the final research report in December 2019.
If you have any questions about ELSA Legal Research, please contact our coordinator.
ELSA Finland: