Even though it sounds a bit corny, a traineeship in Dominican Republic is a once in a lifetime experience. An experience which you will hold with you –also in your CV- for the rest of your life. An experience that many people do not have or will never get. Once applying for a job, it will make you to stand out from the other applicants. Experience which will make you realise the differences in a different legal system and cultural differences in law firms’ working environments. And most of all an experience incomparable to any another. How often do you get a chance to work in a law firm not just in a different country but on a different continent?
The traineeship to Dominican Republic is organised in a tight cooperation between the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) and the Asociación Dominicana de professionales y Estudiantes de Derecho (ADED). And actually it is not just a traineeship but also an Institutional Visit abroad. Besides of working you will also get to visit different places on your own and with the law students of ADED. They took us to very interesting places we would not have been able to visit without them. For example, we met some of the top politicians, talked on the national radio station and visited the Presidential Palace.

Visiting the Presidential Palace of Dominican Republic.
Dominican people are very kind with open hands especially the members of ADED. They will keep in touch with you even before you arrive so once you reach Dominican Republic you already have some local friends. For sure you will also become friends with your colleagues and what could be better than explore a country with the locals?

With an another trainee Pauliina Isokangas, from the University of Helsinki, during a visit to the national congress.

In front of the Labour court with colleagues right after the first case I was pleasured to work with and present at the court.
The traineeship lasts a month and that is a perfect amount of time. If you work annually back home, it is most likely the time period that you will have a vacation for. And on the another hand if you are planning to travel during the summer to South, Central or North of America what could be better than add one-month legal trainee in the Caribbean to it?

Lunch with the typical Caribbean view.
And if you have any further questions according to the traineeship in Dominican Republic do not hesitate to contact me!
Noora Wilén